Stability Academy

How financially stable are you?
This is a question you may not have asked yourself before. Yet, stability is what might be standing between you and less financial stress.
This has been a difficult financial year for millions of people. Even if your income hasn’t changed, there are many other factors that could be impacting your financial stability and stress level. Your Money Line is here to help with a new program: Stability Academy.
Stability Academy is designed to guide you from where you are today to more secure financial ground. By focusing on small, easy steps that help you stabilize your current state, Your Money Line will help you pave the way for the future. Watch a video here from Pete the Planner® and President & CEO, Rev. Dr. Todd Adams to learn more about Stability Academy.
About Stability Academy
Why Should I Participate in Stability Academy?
As we face unprecedented times, financial stability is vital. While we can't always control what will happen around us, we can control the steps we take to improve our own financial lives.
How it Works
Visit the Your Money Line dashboard at If you are new to Your Money Line, you will have to register and create a profile.
If you have any questions or need assistance, Your Money Line is here to help. Simply email or call 833.890.4077.
Through a simple assessment on the Your Money Line dashboard home page, you'll be given a stability score and placed on one of three teams: Navigators, Wayfinders, or Voyagers.
While teams do range from less stable to more stable, no team is “bad”. No score is “bad”. Wherever you start is exactly the right place.
Once you are assigned a team, you’ll register for the monthly pep rally. Each team will get their own pep rally so that the conversation can be tailored to the topics that are most important and valuable to that team.
At each pep rally, Pete will cover important topics and assign homework that will help you achieve your goals. Each month, you'll be encouraged you to retake the assessment so you can see any progress you’ve made.