Retired Clergy

For some, saving for retirement wasn't an option.

The mission of Pension Fund of the Christian Church is For the Support of Ministry. Our vision is every Stone-Campbell pastor and lay employee will enjoy a strong, smart, and secure retirement. Ministerial Relief and Assistance bridges the gap with support programs in time of need. Ministerial Relief – a Bridge for Financial Wellness.
Supporting ministry to the finish line.
Every year, through our Ministerial Relief & Assistance programs, Pension Fund cares for hundreds of clergy and their families by helping with basic necessities for our missionaries, clergy and their families. These programs also provides dignity and financial security in retirement for those who have sacrificed so much for the ministry. For some who faithfully served the Church for years on low or limited income, it was harder (or not an option) to save for retirement.
MR&A Programs
Learn more about the programs available for retired clergy and ministry workers.
The purpose of a Ministerial Relief Pension is to assist a retired minister and surviving spouse who were never afforded the opportunity to participate in the Pension Plan. It provides an ongoing monthly gift if retirement income is low (i.e., less than 200% of poverty level, adjusted for regional cost-of-living).
The purpose of the Supplemental Gift Program is to assist a Pension Plan member and/or their surviving spouse, who have very low retirement income and where the low retirement is due to low salary and/or late entry into Pension Plan.
The purpose of the 13th Check is to provide a year-end gift to beneficiaries with the lowest retirement incomes with a goal of funding a full 13th check. There is no application for 13th Check – it is automatically provided to all Ministerial Relief Pensioners and Supplemental Gift recipients.