Active and Retired Clergy

Bridging the unexpected to help you reach retirement.

Whether in active ministry or living into your retirement, Ministerial Relief and Assistance bridges the gap with support programs in time of need. No mater what stage of ministry you are in, we want to offer our support. Ministerial Relief – a Bridge for Financial Wellness.
Programs for any stage of ministry.
Pension Fund has Ministerial Relief and Assistance programs that focus on supporting your ministry no matter where you are on that journey.
MR&A Purpose Statement:
To meet the evolving needs of clergy and their family, seeking to sustain them in ministry.
Learn MoreMR&A Programs for Active and Retired Clergy
Learn more about the programs available for all active and retired clergy.
The purpose of the Emergency Aid Program is to assist ministers with large, unexpected financial obligations. Applicants will be asked to provide copies of outstanding bills for direct payment if aid is approved. Any credentialed minister or his/her surviving spouse can apply for Emergency Aid.
Note: Pension Fund policies now establish a lifetime limit for emergency aid.
In partnership with Week of Compassion, the Disaster Relief Grant Program provides immediate relief to Disciples ministers whose homes and/or churches have experienced loss due to disaster, regardless of Pension Plan membership status.
Note: This grant program is separate from solidarity grants from Week of Compassion. A minister may receive both if they fit the eligibility requirements. There is no application for this program; instead, recipients are referred to Pension Fund by either Week of Compassion or their regional minister.
Our Funeral Support program provides assistance with final expenses for a minister or minister's immediate family. This program is offered separately from the Pension Plan's death and disability benefit. All credentialed clergy in the Stone-Campbell tradition with standing are eligible for this program.
Pension Fund offers our financial literacy partner, Your Money Line, to all our members. To learn more about how the Financial Guides at Your Money Line can help you, visit the Your Money Line page.