Ministerial Relief & Assistance - Programs & Impact

Helping Our Members Bridge the Unexpected for Over 125 Years.
Ministerial Relief and Assistance (MRA) is the church’s way to give back to ministers, their families and lay employees by providing tangible care and financial support in times of need. Amidst extraordinarily difficult times in our communities, congregations, country, and mostly certainly for our clergy, it’s been a tremendous blessing to continue to support clergy and their families via the various programs of Ministerial Relief and Assistance—none of which happens without support from committed donors.
+1.7 Million
Amount distributed in 2021 to ministry colleagues across the life of the Church
This support included:
- Four parental leave grants—a newer MRA program that seeks to support clergy parents and their congregations upon the arrival of a new child;
- Disaster Relief Grants in the wake of Hurricane Ida and the tornados that blew through much of the Midwest, especially Western Kentucky;
- Over $134,000 for this year’s 125 13th Check recipients who received much-needed end of year assistance in December 2021; and,
- Emergency Aid Grants for members caring for acutely ill children, funeral expenses for clergy lost to Covid-19, and support for other crucial needs for clergy caught in times of crisis.
Ministerial Relief & Assistance Programs

Programs for New & Active Clergy + Students:
- Student Gift Membership
- Excellence in Ministry
- Parental Leave Assistance
- Low Interest Loans
- Reverse Chaplain Dues
- Gift Pension for New Church Planters
- Vocational Counseling

Programs for Active Clergy + Retirees:
- Emergency Aid
- Disaster Relief
- Salary Continuation
- Health & Wellness
- Funeral Support
- Relief Pensions
- Supplemental Gifts
- 13th Check
- Health Care