Join the Chase Society

Ira Chase was a former governor of Indiana, a Civil War veteran and pastor at Wabash Christian Church. At his death, a local church leader noted that Ira‘s widow, Rhoda (blinded by smallpox while serving as a Civil War nurse), and their four children would need assistance and a place to live, and so initiated an effort to raise the funds necessary to provide them a modest home. This established the Chase Fund, which led to the establishment of the Board of Ministerial Relief, and, eventually, what we now know as the Ministerial Relief and Assistance Fund of Pension Fund of the Christian Church.
In 2020, Pension Fund celebrated 125 years of this fund. As part of our celebration, Pension Fund created the Chase Society—both to remember the Chases and honor the care Wabash Christian Church took to ensure their legacy. Chase Society gifts will be used to support the Ministerial Relief and Assistance Fund via the Pension Fund endowment, ensuring the fund's mission and vision will continue.
Join the Chase Society with a gift of $5,000 or more via your will, or by naming Pension Fund as a beneficiary of your Pension Fund account(s).