Meet the Your Money Line Financial Guides: Jayne Larson

My name is Jayne Larson, and I am a Financial Guide at Your Money Line. I have a bachelor's degree in Family, Consumer, and Human Development with a minor in Family Finance from Utah State University, and I am an Accredited Financial Counselor, AFC ®. My job here at Your Money Line is to meet you where you are on your financial journey and help provide you with the tools and resources to move towards your goals confidently.
I firmly believe that one moment can change the course of your entire life. One of these moments changed both my personal and professional trajectories and created my passion for personal finance.
I am the youngest of five kids, and when I was eight years old, my parents filed for bankruptcy and divorced. A consequence of these actions was that we lost our house. My mom had been a stay-at-home mom for nearly twenty years and now found herself supporting the three of us who were still at home. She quickly pivoted and went to school. At the time, we lived on credit cards and student loans, and she would cross her fingers that the child support check would come that month.
Fast forward to my junior year of high school. I was preparing for college applications and the expenses that come with higher education. My mom told me that she didn’t have any surprise college savings. She couldn’t help support me financially going to school, but if I chose a local school, I could still live at home and she would continue to feed me.
I found myself looking at beautiful pictures in the school counselor's office of her various vacations. Knowing approximately how much educators make; I asked her how she could afford to go on so many vacations. This was the moment that changed my life. She said, “This is what you can do when you don't have student loans.” Wow, this was not a concept I was familiar with, and from that point forward, I made it a goal to graduate college with no student loan debt.
I know that my mom and dad were doing the best they could with the tools they had when they filed for bankruptcy. I also know that you are doing the best you know how with the tools you currently have. As a Financial Guide, I help add tools to your toolbox. I like to say that personal finance is personal, and you deserve someone who is willing to meet you where you are and craft a personalized plan to move you forward. You also deserve to have someone who has no other motive behind their help. I am proud to be a part of a benefits system that isn’t trying to push products onto members. at Your Money Line, we have no other motive to help than our genuine desire for you to succeed.
While we like to think our financial life is all about the numbers, it isn’t. Budgets, savings, debt, investing…none of it is about the numbers. It is about our behaviors that influence the numbers. I love few things more than creating a budget where goals can be realized, but the reality is that the budget doesn’t fulfill itself. You do! When you combine a clear plan, education, determination, and a good accountability system, you will move beyond simply surviving financially, and have the ability to thrive.
As Financial Guides, we are anxiously waiting to connect with you – by call, chat, or email. We understand the stress and anxiety that can come from financial struggles and the uneasiness that can come from making a big financial decision without the education and resources to feel fully informed. We are here to listen and bring you confidence. We know how important each and every step is to making lasting financial change, and we are here to cheer you on every step of the way.
Learn more about Your Money Line by visiting the Your Money Line page.
Written By

Jayne Larson
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